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Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

Backwards Breathing: Decoding the World of Reverse Sneezing

Written by: Dr. Lori Hoe, Co-Owner of Main Street Veterinary Hospital

In the world of pet ownership, knowledge truly is power. As devoted caretakers, certain things our pets do often have us wondering if this is normal or is this abnormal or dangerous. I want to take a moment to address a common concern among dog owners: reverse sneezing. Reverse sneezing is a fairly common respiratory event in dogs that can be alarming to witness but is generally harmless. It often sounds like a rapid inhalation through the nose, accompanied by snorting or gagging noises. This phenomenon occurs when a dog's throat and soft palate become irritated, typically due to allergens, excitement, or post-nasal drip.

During a reverse sneezing episode, it's essential to stay calm, as panicking can exacerbate the dog's distress. Gently massaging the throat or briefly covering the nostrils can sometimes help stop the episode. However, if reverse sneezing becomes frequent or prolonged, or if your dog shows other concerning symptoms like difficulty breathing, it's best to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues. Overall, while reverse sneezing can be unsettling, it's usually nothing to worry about and can often be
managed with simple techniques.

Check out this video on reverse sneezing in dogs below


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